Our principle clients include publishers, universities, and non-profits. A few of our publishing clients are listed below.
Founded in 1969, Sinauer Associates publishes college-level textbooks and educational multimedia in biology, psychology, neuroscience, and allied disciplines. As of April 2017, Sinauer Associates is now an imprint of Oxford University Press. |
Macmillan publishes a wide range of books, magazines, and digital products for the consumer and education markets. Its higher education imprints include: Worth Publishers, W.H. Freeman & Company, and Bedford/St. Martin’s Press. |
Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It is the largest, and the second oldest, university press in the world. |
Established in 1923, W. W. Norton is an independent, employee-owned company. It publishes over 400 titles annually through its trade, college, and professional divisions. |